“The inventiveness and creativity that characterise the Mexican people have allowed, over the centuries, encouraging one of the most varied and elaborate gastronomies of the world. Experimentation and imagination play a big role in the culinary arts and Mexico is an example of the boldness and creativity have enriched and constantly enrich its cuisine in a historical process characterised by maintaining the tradition and at the same time searching for new options. This provision of mixtures with a sense of balance and harmony, adds a touch of grace and certifies the authenticity of a rich and unique gastronomic variety.
The corn plant is considered as the queen of plants in Mexico because it allows us to flatter and seduce the most demanding palates. Everything in the corn is a grandeur, a divine gift. A precious grain that has fought hunger and created a very strong culture which is at the root of all Mexicans.”
From the book: Conversación en la cocina by Rosita Sanchez